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Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) for Class A CDL

The theoretical program statements you complete in your personal account include theoretical lessons and review tests on the following chapters:

A1.1 Basic Operation
1.1.1 Orientation
1.1.2 Control Systems/Dashboard
1.1.3 Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections
1.1.4 Basic Control
1.1.5 Shifting/Operating Transmissions
1.1.6 Backing and Docking
1.1.7 Coupling and Uncoupling
A1.2 Safe Operating Procedures
1.2.1 Visual Search
1.2.2 Communication
1.2.3 Distracted Driving
1.2.4 Speed Management
1.2.5 Space Management
1.2.6 Night Operation
1.2.7 Extreme Driving Conditions
A1.3 Advanced Operating Practices
1.3.1 Hazard Perception
1.3.2 Skid Control/Recovery, Jackknifing, and Other Emergencies
1.3.3 Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings
A1.4 Vehicle Systems and Reporting Malfunctions
1.4.1 Identification and Diagnosis of Malfunctions
1.4.2 Roadside Inspections
1.4.3 Maintenance
A1.5 Non-Driving Activities
1.5.1 Handling and Documenting Cargo
1.5.2 Environmental Compliance Issues
1.5.3 Hours of Service Requirements
1.5.4 Fatigue and Wellness Awareness
1.5.5 Post-Crash Procedures
1.5.6 External Communications
1.5.7 Whistleblower/Coercion
1.5.8 Trip Planning
1.5.9 Drugs/Alcohol
1.5.10 Medical Requirements

Upon completion, you will receive a certificate confirming your completion of the Entry-Level Driver Training, which qualifies you for taking the DMV exam or advancing to the practical program. Our service will automatically register your record with the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

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