Наша Команда

Познайомтеся з нашою винятковою командою! Наші інструктори ділитимуться з вами реальним досвідом і терплячим керівництвом, щоб допомогти вам стати кваліфікованим фахівцем у галузі вантажоперевезень. Наш відданий адміністративний персонал забезпечує безперебійний процес навчання. Відчуйте підтримку та співпрацю в навчальному середовищі, де ми допомагаємо вам досягти ваших цілей. Приєднуйтесь до нас сьогодні та розпочніть успішну кар'єру водія комерційних вантажівок!

Євгеній Моік


Євгеній Моік

Class A CDL holder since 2014. Gene is not only an experienced driver, but also a good teacher with a creative approach to work. Easily finds a common language with students, regardless of their age, origin, and affluence.

Василь Кушнір


Василь Кушнір

CDL Class A holder since 2011. Thanks to his experience and desire for self-development, he manages to find effective solutions to non-trivial problems. He manages staff, organizes events, and helps Start CDL to attract new customers.

Роман Задорожний

HR Менеджер

Роман Задорожний

As our HR Manager, Roman combines expertise and empathy with exceptional results. Balancing company goals with employee needs, he fosters a supportive, transparent environment that champions growth, unity, and respect within our team.

Олеся Далівська


Олеся Далівська

Olesya assists each new person to become a student giving all the needed info through the phone or at the office to make the process of getting CDL smooth, easy and understandable. She is always smiling and open-hearted.

Наталія Юрчук


Наталія Юрчук

Diligent and attentive, Natallia exemplifies the very essence of top-tier customer service. Whether she's clarifying doubts or navigating complex scenarios, her problem-solving skills stand out, ensuring every client interaction is a memorable one.

Анастасія Гучак


Анастасія Гучак

Always smiling, sociable and helping our students to study, doing all from the first steps till the final, when you receive your CDL. Eager to help with all questions and difficulties, registration questions, appointments for driving and others.

Наталія Федорів


Наталія Федорів

Юлія Шуляк


Юлія Шуляк

She delivers top-notch service to our students, ensuring their seamless and memorable experience with us. With her exceptional interpersonal skills and deep understanding of our services, Yuliya assists our students at every step of their journey.

Павел Кабакоу


Павел Кабакоу

Сергій Цимбал


Сергій Цимбал

Serhii is a great instructor for both maneuvers and city driving. His hands-on approach, coupled with real-world insights, ensures students are not only skilled but also adept at navigating the complexities of city driving.

Лаша Лекішвілі

Інструктор супервайзер

Лаша Лекішвілі

Lasha's engaging teaching style and deep understanding of truck driving make him a favorite among students. He goes above and beyond to ensure each student grasps all aspects of driving, fostering a learning environment that is very supportive.

Нестан Кіазова


Нестан Кіазова

Nestan is a very talented instructor. Her passion for teaching and patience set her apart, making the learning journey enjoyable for all students.

Влад Шелл


Влад Шелл

With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding, Vlad is an invaluable instructor. His blend of patience and expertise ensures that students grasp the intricacies of driving, allowing them to navigate urban environments with confidence.

Саммер Масіх


Саммер Масіх

Summer brings a wealth of experience to his role as an instructor. His unique ability to break down complex tasks into understandable steps helps students master their skills.

Запишіться на курс навчання CDL у школі StartCDL

Гнучкий графік навчання, теорія онлайн, регулярна підтримка


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